Source code for tgvoip.tgvoip

# PytgVoIP - Telegram VoIP Library for Python
# Copyright (C) 2020 bakatrouble <>
# This file is part of PytgVoIP.
# PytgVoIP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PytgVoIP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PytgVoIP.  If not, see <>.

import json
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, List

from _tgvoip import (
    NetType as _NetType,
    DataSaving as _DataSaving,
    CallState as _CallState,
    CallError as _CallError,
    VoIPController as _VoIPController,
    VoIPServerConfig as _VoIPServerConfig

from tgvoip.utils import get_real_elapsed_time

# docstring magic ahead

[docs]class NetType(Enum): """ An enumeration of network types Members: * UNKNOWN = 0 * GPRS = 1 * EDGE = 2 * NET_3G = 3 * HSPA = 4 * LTE = 5 * WIFI = 6 * ETHERNET = 7 * OTHER_HIGH_SPEED = 8 * OTHER_LOW_SPEED = 9 * DIALUP = 10 * OTHER_MOBILE = 11 """ UNKNOWN = _NetType.UNKNOWN GPRS = _NetType.GPRS EDGE = _NetType.EDGE NET_3G = _NetType.NET_3G HSPA = _NetType.HSPA LTE = _NetType.LTE WIFI = _NetType.WIFI ETHERNET = _NetType.ETHERNET OTHER_HIGH_SPEED = _NetType.OTHER_HIGH_SPEED OTHER_LOW_SPEED = _NetType.OTHER_LOW_SPEED DIALUP = _NetType.DIALUP OTHER_MOBILE = _NetType.OTHER_MOBILE
[docs]class DataSaving(Enum): """ An enumeration of data saving modes Members: * NEVER = 0 * MOBILE = 1 * ALWAYS = 2 """ NEVER = _DataSaving.NEVER MOBILE = _DataSaving.MOBILE ALWAYS = _DataSaving.ALWAYS
[docs]class CallError(Enum): """ An enumeration of call errors Members: * UNKNOWN = 0 * INCOMPATIBLE = 1 * TIMEOUT = 2 * AUDIO_IO = 3 * PROXY = 4 """ UNKNOWN = _CallError.UNKNOWN INCOMPATIBLE = _CallError.INCOMPATIBLE TIMEOUT = _CallError.TIMEOUT AUDIO_IO = _CallError.AUDIO_IO PROXY = _CallError.PROXY
[docs]class VoIPController(_VoIPController): """ A wrapper around C++ wrapper for libtgvoip ``VoIPController`` Args: persistent_state_file (``str``, *optional*): ?, empty to not use debug (``bool``, *optional*): Modifies logging behavior logs_dir (``str``, *optional*): Logs directory Class attributes: LIBTGVOIP_VERSION Used ``libtgvoip`` version CONNECTION_MAX_LAYER Maximum layer supported by used ``libtgvoip`` version Attributes: persistent_state_file: Value set in the constructor call_state_changed_handlers: ``list`` of call state change callbacks, callbacks receive a :class:`CallState` object as argument signal_bars_changed_handlers ``list`` of signal bars count change callbacks, callbacks receive an ``int`` object as argument """ def __init__(self, persistent_state_file: str = '', debug=False, logs_dir='logs'): super().__init__(persistent_state_file) # _VoIPController.__init__(self, persistent_state_file) self.debug = debug self.logs_dir = logs_dir self.start_time = 0 self.send_audio_frame_callback = lambda length: b'' self.recv_audio_frame_callback = lambda frame: ... self.call_state_changed_handlers = [] self.signal_bars_changed_handlers = [] self._init() @property def call_duration(self) -> int: """ Current call duration in seconds as ``int`` if call was started, otherwise 0 """ return int(get_real_elapsed_time() - self.start_time) if self.start_time else 0
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the controller """ super().start()
[docs] def connect(self): """ Start the call """ super().connect()
[docs] def set_proxy(self, address: str, port: int = 1080, username: str = '', password: str = ''): """ Set SOCKS5 proxy config Args: address (``str``): Proxy hostname or IP address port (``int``, *optional*): Proxy port username (``int``, *optional*): Proxy username password (``int``, *optional*): Proxy password Raises: :class:`ValueError` if :attr:`address` is empty """ if not address: raise ValueError('address can\'t be empty') super().set_proxy(address, port, username, password)
[docs] def set_encryption_key(self, key: bytes, is_outgoing: bool): """ Set call auth key Args: key (``bytes``): Auth key, must be exactly 256 bytes is_outgoing (``bool``): Is call outgoing Raises: :class:`ValueError` if provided auth key has wrong length """ if len(key) != 256: raise ValueError('key length must be exactly 256 bytes but is {}'.format(len(key))) super().set_encryption_key(key, is_outgoing)
[docs] def set_remote_endpoints(self, endpoints: List[Endpoint], allow_p2p: bool, tcp: bool, connection_max_layer: int): """ Set remote endpoints received in call object from Telegram. Usually it's ``[call.connection] + call.alternative_connections``. You must build :class:`Endpoint` objects from MTProto :class:`phoneConnection` objects and pass them in list. Args: endpoints (``list`` of :class:`Endpoint`): List of endpoints allow_p2p (``bool``): Is p2p connection allowed, usually `call.p2p_allowed` value is used tcp (``bool``): Connect via TCP, not recommended connection_max_layer (``int``): Use a value provided by :attr:`VoIPController.CONNECTION_MAX_LAYER` Raises: :class:`ValueError` if either no endpoints are provided or endpoints without IPv4 or with wrong \ ``peer_tag`` (must be either ``None`` or have length of 16 bytes) are detected """ if not endpoints: raise ValueError('endpoints len is 0') for ep in endpoints: if ep.ip is None or not len(ep.ip): raise ValueError('endpoint {} has empty/null ipv4'.format(ep)) if ep.peer_tag is not None and len(ep.peer_tag) != 16: raise ValueError('endpoint {} has peer_tag of wrong length'.format(ep)) super().set_remote_endpoints(endpoints, allow_p2p, tcp, connection_max_layer)
[docs] def get_debug_string(self) -> str: """ Get debug string Returns: ``str`` containing debug info """ return super().get_debug_string()
[docs] def set_network_type(self, _type: NetType): """ Set network type Args: _type (:class:`NetType`): Network type to set """ super().set_network_type(_NetType(_type.value))
[docs] def set_mic_mute(self, mute: bool): """ Set "microphone" state. If muted, audio is not being sent Args: mute (``bool``): Whether to mute "microphone" """ super().set_mic_mute(mute)
[docs] def set_config(self, recv_timeout: float, init_timeout: float, data_saving_mode: DataSaving, call_id: int, enable_aec: bool = True, enable_ns: bool = True, enable_agc: bool = True, log_file_path: str = None, status_dump_path: str = None, log_packet_stats: bool = None): """ Set call config Args: recv_timeout (``float``): Packet receive timeout, usually value received from ``help.getConfig()`` is used init_timeout (``float``): Packet init timeout, usually value received from ``help.getConfig()`` is used data_saving_mode (:class:`DataSaving`): Data saving mode call_id (``int``): Call ID enable_aec (``bool``, *optional*): Whether to enable automatic echo cancellation, defaults to ``True`` enable_ns (``bool``, *optional*): Whether to enable noise suppression, defaults to ``True`` enable_agc (``bool``, *optional*): Whether to enable automatic gain control, defaults to ``True`` log_file_path (``str``, *optional*): Call log file path, calculated automatically if not provided status_dump_path (``str``, *optional*): Status dump path, calculated automatically if not provided and ``debug`` is enabled log_packet_stats (``bool``, *optional*): Whether to log packet stats, defaults to ``debug`` value """ if log_file_path is None: if self.debug: log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path('voip{}'.format(call_id)) else: log_file_path = self._get_log_file_path_for_call_id(call_id) # wtf? if status_dump_path is None: status_dump_path = self._get_log_file_path('voip_stats') if self.debug else '' if log_packet_stats is None: log_packet_stats = self.debug super().set_config(recv_timeout, init_timeout, _DataSaving(data_saving_mode.value), enable_aec, enable_ns, enable_agc, log_file_path, status_dump_path, log_packet_stats)
[docs] def debug_ctl(self, request: int, param: int): """ Debugging options Args: request (``int``): Option (``1`` for max bitrate, ``2`` for packet loss (in percents), ``3`` for toggling p2p, \ ``4`` for toggling echo cancelling) param (``int``): Numeric value for options 1 and 2, ``0`` or ``1`` for options 3 and 4 """ super().debug_ctl(request, param)
[docs] def get_preferred_relay_id(self) -> int: """ Get preferred relay ID (used in ``discardCall`` MTProto request) Returns: ``int`` ID """ return super().get_preferred_relay_id()
[docs] def get_last_error(self) -> CallError: """ Get last error type Returns: :class:`CallError` matching last occurred error type """ return CallError(super().get_last_error())
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> Stats: """ Get call stats Returns: :class:`Stats` object """ return super().get_stats()
[docs] def get_debug_log(self) -> str: """ Get debug log Returns: JSON ``str`` containing debug log """ return super().get_debug_log()
[docs] def set_audio_output_gain_control_enabled(self, enabled: bool): """ Toggle output gain control Args: enabled (``bool``): Whether to enable output gain control """ super().set_audio_output_gain_control_enabled(enabled)
[docs] def set_echo_cancellation_strength(self, strength: int): """ Set echo cancellation strength, does nothing currently but was in Java bindings (?) Args: strength (``int``): Strength value """ super().set_echo_cancellation_strength(strength)
[docs] def get_peer_capabilities(self) -> int: """ Get peer capabilities Returns: ``int`` with bit mask, looks like it is used only for experimental features (group, video calls) """ return super().get_peer_capabilities()
[docs] def need_rate(self) -> bool: """ Get whether the call needs rating Returns: ``bool`` value """ return super().need_rate()
@property def native_io(self) -> bool: """ Get native I/O status (file I/O implemented in C++) Returns: ``bool`` status (enabled or not) """ return self._native_io_get() @native_io.setter def native_io(self, val: bool) -> None: """ Set native I/O status (file I/O implemented in C++) Args: val (``bool``): Status value """ self._native_io_set(val)
[docs] def play(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Add a file to play queue for native I/O Args: path (``str``): File path Returns: ``bool`` whether opening the file was successful. File is not added to queue on failure. """ return super().play(path)
[docs] def play_on_hold(self, paths: List[str]) -> None: """ Replace the hold queue for native I/O Args: paths (``list`` of ``str``): List of file paths """ super().play_on_hold(paths)
[docs] def set_output_file(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Set output file for native I/O Args: path (``str``): File path Returns: ``bool`` whether opening the file was successful. Output file is not replaced on failure. """ return super().set_output_file(path)
[docs] def clear_play_queue(self) -> None: """ Clear the play queue for native I/O """ super().clear_play_queue()
[docs] def clear_hold_queue(self) -> None: """ Clear the hold queue for native I/O """ super().clear_hold_queue()
[docs] def unset_output_file(self) -> None: """ Unset the output file for native I/O """ super().unset_output_file()
# native code callback def _handle_state_change(self, state: _CallState): state = CallState(state) if state == CallState.ESTABLISHED and not self.start_time: self.start_time = get_real_elapsed_time() for handler in self.call_state_changed_handlers: callable(handler) and handler(state) # native code callback def _handle_signal_bars_change(self, count: int): for handler in self.signal_bars_changed_handlers: callable(handler) and handler(count)
[docs] def update_state(self, state: CallState): """ Manually update state (only triggers handlers) Args: state (:class:`CallState`): State to set """ self._handle_state_change(state)
[docs] def set_send_audio_frame_callback(self, func: callable): """ Set callback providing audio data to send Should accept one argument (``int`` length of requested audio frame) and return ``bytes`` object with audio \ data encoded in 16-bit signed PCM If returned object has insufficient length, it will be automatically padded with zero bytes Args: func (``callable``): Callback function """ self.send_audio_frame_callback = func
def _send_audio_frame_impl(self, length: int): frame = b'' if callable(self.send_audio_frame_callback): frame = self.send_audio_frame_callback(length) return frame.ljust(length, b'\0')
[docs] def set_recv_audio_frame_callback(self, func: callable): """ Set callback receiving incoming audio data Should accept one argument (``bytes``) with audio data encoded in 16-bit signed PCM Args: func (``callable``): Callback function """ self.recv_audio_frame_callback = func
def _recv_audio_frame_impl(self, frame: bytes): if callable(self.recv_audio_frame_callback): self.recv_audio_frame_callback(frame) def _get_log_file_path(self, name: str) -> str: os.makedirs(self.logs_dir, exist_ok=True) now = fname = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second, name) return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.logs_dir, fname)) def _get_log_file_path_for_call_id(self, call_id: int) -> str: os.makedirs(self.logs_dir, exist_ok=True) # Java version cleans up old logs (*.log) for non-debug version here (leaves 20 latest) return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.logs_dir, '{}.log'.format(call_id)))
[docs]class VoIPServerConfig(_VoIPServerConfig): """ Global server config class. This class contains default config in its source """ # default config config = { 'audio_max_bitrate': 20000, 'audio_max_bitrate_gprs': 8000, 'audio_max_bitrate_edge': 16000, 'audio_max_bitrate_saving': 8000, 'audio_init_bitrate': 16000, 'audio_init_bitrate_gprs': 8000, 'audio_init_bitrate_edge': 8000, 'audio_init_bitrate_saving': 8000, 'audio_bitrate_step_incr': 1000, 'audio_bitrate_step_decr': 1000, 'audio_min_bitrate': 8000, 'relay_switch_threshold': 0.8, 'p2p_to_relay_switch_threshold': 0.6, 'relay_to_p2p_switch_threshold': 0.8, 'reconnecting_state_timeout': 2.0, 'rate_flags': 0xFFFFFFFF, 'rate_min_rtt': 0.6, 'rate_min_send_loss': 0.2, 'packet_loss_for_extra_ec': 0.02, 'max_unsent_stream_packets': 2, }
[docs] @classmethod def set_config(cls, _json: Union[str, dict]): """ Set global server config Args: _json (``str`` | ``dict``): either JSON-encoded object or ``dict`` containing config values. \ Might be received from MTProto ``phone.getCallConfig()`` call, if not set default values are used Raises: Prints an error to ``stderr`` if JSON parsing (for ``str`` argument) or encoding (for ``dict`` argument) \ has occurred """ try: if isinstance(_json, dict): _json = json.dumps(_json) cls.config.update(json.loads(_json)) _VoIPServerConfig.set_config(_json) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print('Error parsing VoIP config', e, file=sys.stderr) except TypeError as e: print('Error building JSON', e, file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @classmethod def set_bitrate_config(cls, init_bitrate: int = 16000, max_bitrate: int = 20000, min_bitrate: int = 8000, decrease_step: int = 1000, increase_step: int = 1000): """ Helper method for setting bitrate options Args: init_bitrate (``int``): Initial bitrate value max_bitrate (``int``): Maximum bitrate value min_bitrate (``int``): Minimum bitrate value decrease_step (``int``): Bitrate decrease step increase_step (``int``): Bitrate increase step Raises: Same as :meth:`set_config` """ cls.set_config({ 'audio_init_bitrate': init_bitrate, 'audio_max_bitrate': max_bitrate, 'audio_min_bitrate': min_bitrate, 'audio_bitrate_step_decr': decrease_step, 'audio_bitrate_step_incr': increase_step, })
__all__ = ['NetType', 'DataSaving', 'CallState', 'CallError', 'Stats', 'Endpoint', 'VoIPController', 'VoIPServerConfig']